The U.S. Will Gain 23 New $1 Million Cities Within the Next Year
There are currently 197 cities in the U.S. with a median home value of $1 million or more, with 33 of those cities breaking the $1 million threshold in just …
There are currently 197 cities in the U.S. with a median home value of $1 million or more, with 33 of those cities breaking the $1 million threshold in just …
The renter rate across the U.S. rose from 31 percent to 36 percent between 2006 and 2016, with most people renting instead of owning in 29 of the 50 largest …
Despite similar job growth, markets with the most restrictive land-use regulations saw much steeper home-value appreciation than those with lighter regulations from Zillow MediaRoom – Press Releases (Housing Market/Rental Research) …
In seven of the 35 largest U.S. housing markets, more than 95 percent of homes are worth more than their peak value during the housing boom from Zillow MediaRoom – …
Zillow and HERE Technologies analyzed 34 of the largest U.S. metros to see how much homeowners could save if they were willing to add an extra 15 minutes to their …
Black and Hispanic renters could afford, at most, 5 percent of rentals in Boston, New York, Los Angeles and Miami without spending more than 30 percent of their income on …
Waterfront homes sold for a 36 percent premium in the first quarter of 2018; in the second quarter of 2012, the premium was 54 percent from Zillow MediaRoom – Press …